Traditional measurements

Another system of units is the traditional system, which units are:

Measurements of length

Name Equivalence
Inch aprox. 2.3 cm
Span 9 inches
Foot 12 inches
Pole 3 feet
Step 5 feet
Mile 1000 steps
League 4 miles

To convert a unit into another we will use the column of equivalences.

Convert $$5$$ feet into inches. Since:

$$1$$ foot $$=12$$ inches, then:

$$5$$ feet $$=5\cdot12$$ inches $$=60$$ inches.

Namely, $$5$$ feet are $$60$$ inches.

Measurements of mass

Name Equivalence
Ounce $$\dfrac{1}{4}$$ pound
Pound 454 g

To convert a unit into another we will use the column of equivalences.

Convert $$32$$ ounces into pounds, using:

$$1$$ ounce $$=\dfrac{1}{4}$$ pound, then:

$$32$$ ounces $$=32\cdot\dfrac{1}{4}$$ pounds $$=8$$ pounds.

Therefore, $$32$$ ounces are $$8$$ pounds.

Measurements of capacity

The unit to measure liquids was the pitcher (which are $$16,3$$ liters), while for the solids was the bushel (which are $$55,5$$ liters).

Measurements of surface

To measure surface, only a bushel of soil was used, which is approximately $$6.500 \ \mbox{m}^2$$.