Extrema: maximum and minimum

Let's see now the definitions of relative and absolute extrema by means of an example:

  • A function f has a relative or local minimum (respectively relative or local maximum) in $$x = a$$, if there is a neighbourhood $$E_r(a)$$ of the point, such that for every $$x$$ belonging to $$E_r(a)$$, we have $$$f(x) \leq f(a) (\mbox{ respectively }f(x) \geq f(a))$$$

  • A function $$f$$ has an absolute minimum (respectively absolute maximum) in $$x = a$$, if for any $$x$$ of the domain of $$f$$ we have $$$f(x) \leq f(a) (\mbox{ respectively }f(x) \geq f(a))$$$

Consider the following function:


We observe that it has:

  • Relative maximum in $$x =-1$$ relative minimum in $$x = 1$$
  • The function is odd and it is not bounded.