Problems from Functions defined by parts

Indicate the domain and the image of the following function:

$$$f(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{rcl} -1 & \mbox{ if } & x<-1 \\ 2x+1 & \mbox{ if } & -1\leq x < 2 \\ 2 & \mbox{ if } & x\geq 3\end{array}\right.$$$

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We can find the domain of the first function from the intervals in its definition:

$$$Dom (f) = (-\infty,-1)\cup[-1,2)\cup[3,+\infty)=(-\infty,2)\cup[3,+\infty)$$$

To determine the image we can concentrate on the images of the different functions that compose the function, bearing in mind the domain where they are defined.

For $$x < -1$$ or $$x > 3$$ we have no problems since we know the valuation of the function in these intervals.

For the straight line between $$-1$$ and $$2$$, we calculate the valuation in the above mentioned points:

$$2x+1$$ in $$x =-1$$ values $$-1$$

$$2x +1$$ in $$x = 2$$ values $$5$$

Therefore $$Im (f) = [-1, 5)$$.

It is necessary to bear in mind that we will include the extreme points in the image depending on whether they are included or not in the definition of the function.


$$Dom(f)=(-\infty,2)\cup[3,+\infty)$$, $$Im (f) = [-1, 5)$$

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