Problems from From decimal numbers to fractions

Define an exact decimal number $$a$$, a pure periodic decimal number $$b$$ and a ultimately periodic decimal number $$c$$. Find the equivalent fraction of each one.

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  • The fraction equivalent to $$a$$:


It is not possible to simplify it any more since $$500$$ only contains the factors $$2$$ and $$5$$, and $$1327$$ cannot be divided by either $$2$$ or by $$5$$.

  • Equivalent fraction to $$b$$:


And it is not possible to simplify it any more.

  • Fraction equivalent to $$c$$:

$$\dfrac{1}{100}\cdot 1913,\widehat{76}=\dfrac{1}{100}\cdot \dfrac{191376-1913}{99}=\dfrac{189463}{9900}$$





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