Problems from Constant function, Linear function and Affine function

Classify the following functions indicating the type and the slope:

1) $$y=-2x + 1$$

2) $$y=-1$$

3) $$y = x$$

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Let's start with the first one:

1) $$y=-2x + 1$$

We observe that the expression is of the type $$y= mx + n$$, with

$$m =-2$$

$$n = 1$$

Therefore it is an affine function with slope $$-2$$.

2) $$y =-1$$

In this case the function corresponds to one of the type $$f(x) = k$$, where $$k$$ is constant.

Therefore, this is a constant function with slope $$0$$.

3) $$y = x$$

Finally, we have a function of the type $$f(x) = mx$$ with $$m = 1$$.

Therefore this is a linear function with slope $$m = 1$$.


1) $$y=-2x + 1$$

Affine function.

Slope $$m = -2$$.

2) $$y =-1$$

Constant function.

Slope $$m = 0$$.

3) $$y= x$$

Linear function.

Slope $$m = 1$$.

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