Problems from Polynomial functions: constant, affine and quadratic

Determine the domain of the following functions, their image, and in the case of a parabola determine the vertex:

  1. $$f(x)=2x-3$$
  2. $$f(x)=-1$$
  3. $$f(x)=-x^2+4x-1$$
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  1. The function is affine. (Odd) the degree of the polynomial is $$1$$. Therefore, $$Dom (f) = Im (f) = \mathbb{R}$$.

  2. The function is constant. Therefore, $$Dom (f) = \mathbb{R}$$, $$Im (f) =-1$$.

  3. The function is a polynomial of degree $$2$$. Therefore its domain is $$Dom (f) =\mathbb{R}$$. To calculate the image first we must look for the vertex:

$$$\Big(-\dfrac{b}{2a}, -\dfrac{b^2-4ac}{4a}\Big)=\Big(-\dfrac{4}{-2}, -\dfrac{16-4\cdot(-1)\cdot(-1)}{-4}\Big)=(2,3) $$$

Since $$a < 0$$, the parabola goes down and therefore, $$Im (f) = (-\infty, 3]$$.


  1. $$Dom (f) = Im (f) = \mathbb{R}$$

  2. $$Dom (f) = \mathbb{R}$$, $$Im (f) =-1$$

  3. $$Dom (f) = \mathbb{R}$$, $$Im (f) = (-\infty, 3]$$, $$v=(2,3)$$
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