Problems from Decimal metric system: length, mass, capacity, surface and volume

Convert the following quantities into the sizes indicated:

  1. $$16000$$ dl a dal.
  2. $$0,0378$$ dam$$^3$$ a m$$^3$$
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  1. The original unit (the dl) is less than what you want to get (the decaliter). Therefore, it will be divided by $$10$$ the same number of times as it has rows to climb. In this case there are two, so we divide by $$100$$: $$$16.000:100=160 \ \mbox{dal}$$$
  2. The original unit (the decameter cubic) is greater than what we want to get (cubic meter). So you have to multiply the original amount by $$1.000$$ the same number of times as there are rows it must climb down. As you only need to move down one row, we have: $$$0,0378\cdot 1000= 37,8\mbox{m}^3$$$


  1. $$16.000$$ dl $$=160$$ dal
  2. $$0,0378$$ dam$$^3 = 37,8$$ m$$^3$$
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