Union, intersection and complementary of intervals

Union of intervals

Given two any real intervals, its union is a set that consists of all the elements that belong to the first interval and all the elements that belong to the second one.

The union of the intervals $$(a,b)$$ and $$(c,d)$$ is denoted as $$(a,b)\cup (c,d)$$ and is calculated this way:

$$$(a,b)\cup (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ x\in(a,b) \ \mbox{or} \ x\in(c,d)\}=$$$ $$$=\{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ a < x < b \ \mbox{or} \ c < x < d\}$$$

Depending on the order in which numbers $$a, b, c$$ and $$d$$ are, the result will be different. Being $$(a,b)$$ and $$(c,d)$$ two intervals, we have $$a < b$$ and $$c < d$$, but the relative position of the endpoints of an interval may change regarding the endpoints of the other one. Thus, we find the cases, as follows:

  • if $$a < b < c < d$$ then the union $$(a,b) \cup (c,d)$$ results in the set formed by two intervals: $$$(a,b) \cup (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ x\in(a,b) \ \mbox{or} \ x\in(c,d) \} $$$ The result is the same if $$c < d < a < b.$$

  • if $$a < c < d < b$$, then the interval $$(c,d)$$ is included in $$(a,b)$$, so, $$$(a,b) \cup (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ a < x < b, \ \mbox{or} \ c < x < d\} = $$$ $$$= \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ a < x < b\}=$$$ $$$=(a,b)$$$

Similarly, if $$c < a < b < d$$, we obtain $$(a,b) \cup (c,d)=(c,d)$$. That is, if an interval is included into another one, the union of the two is equal to the greater one.

  • if $$c < a < d < b$$, then we have $$$(a,b) \cup (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ a < x < b, \ \mbox{or} \ c < x < d\}$$$ But as $$c < a$$ and $$d < b$$, we have two intervals that overlap so we have a unique interval: $$$(a,b) \cup (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ c < x < b\} = (c,b)$$$

In the same way, if $$a < c < b < d$$ we obtain: $$$(a,b) \cup (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ a < x < d\} = (a,d)$$$

Note now that the union of intervals is not always an interval. Furthermore, in the case of open intervals, either closed or mixed, the result is analogous:

Consider for example the union of the intervals $$(3,9)$$ and $$[7,11]$$: $$$(3,9) \cup [7,11] = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ 3 < x < 9, \ \mbox{or} \ 7 < x < 11\} = $$$ $$$= \{x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ 3 < x \leq 11\}=(3,11]$$$

So, $$(3,9) \cup [7,11] = (3,11].$$

In this case the union of two intervals has given us an interval.

Another example, let's do the union of the intervals $$(-1,0)$$ and $$(0,+\infty)$$: $$$(-1,0) \cup (0,+\infty) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ -1 < x < 0, \ \mbox{or} \ 0 < x \}$$$ And this expression can not be simplified, such that the union of the intervals $$(-1,0)$$ and $$(0,+\infty)$$ remains $$$(-1,0) \cup (0,+\infty)$$$

Intersection of intervals

Given any two real intervals, their intersection is the set of all elements that belong to both intervals.

The intersection of intervals $$(a,b)$$ and $$(c,d)$$ is denoted as $$$(a,b)\cap(c,d)$$$ and is calculated as: $$$(a,b)\cap (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ x\in(a,b) \ \mbox{and} \ x\in(c,d)\}=$$$ $$$=\{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ a < x < b \ \mbox{and} \ c < x < d\}$$$

Depending on the order in which the numbers $$a, b, c$$ and $$d$$ are, the result will be one or another. As in the union, we have that $$a < b$$ and $$c < d$$, but the relative position of the endpoints may change compared to the extremes of the other interval. Thus, we find the cases, as follows:

  • if $$a < c < d < b$$, we have that the interval $$(c,d)$$ is included in $$(a,b)$$, then, $$$(a,b) \cap (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ a < x < b, \ \mbox{and} \ c < x < d\} = $$$ $$$= \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ a < c < x < d < b\}=$$$ $$$=(c,d)$$$

Similarly, if $$c < a < b < d$$, we obtain $$(a,b) \cap (c,d)=(a,b)$$. Namely, if an interval is included into another, the intersection of the two is equal to the lower one.

  • if $$c < a < d < b$$, then we have that $$$(a,b) \cap (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ a < x < b, \ \mbox{and} \ c < x < d\} =$$$ $$$=\{x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ c < a < x < d < b\} =$$$ $$$=(a,d)$$$

In the same way, if $$a < c < b < d$$, we obtain: $$$(a,b) \cap (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ b < x < c\} = (b,c)$$$

  • if $$a < b < c < d$$ then the intersection $$(a,b) \cap (c,d)$$ is: $$$(a,b) \cap (c,d) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ x\in(a,b) \ \mbox{and} \ x\in(c,d) \} $$$
    but as $$b < c$$, there's no value $$x$$ that belongs to the two intervals at the same time. In this case we say that the intersection is empty and it is denoted by the symbol $$\emptyset$$: $$$(a,b) \cap (c,d)=\emptyset.$$$ The result is the same if $$c < d < a < b$$.

In the case of two intervals which intersection is empty, we say that these intervals are disjoint.

The concept empty, $$\emptyset$$, is also considered as an interval, because $$\emptyset=(a,a)$$ for any real number $$a$$, so, unlike the union, the intersection of intervals is always an interval, but you can obtain the particular case of the empty interval.

An example of intersection.

Consider the intervals $$[0,+\infty)$$ and $$(-\infty,1)$$.

Then its intersection is: $$$[0,+\infty) \cap (-\infty,1) = \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ 0 \leq x \ \mbox{and} \ x < 1\} =$$$ $$$=\{x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ 0 \leq x < 1 \} =$$$ $$$=[0,1)$$$



The complementary step is an operation that affects a single interval.

Given an interval any, its complementary is the set of numbers that do not belong to the interval.

We denote the complementary of the interval $$J=(a,b)$$ as $$$\overline{J}=\overline{(a,b)}$$$

To calculate it we will see the different cases if it is a bounded or unbounded interval:

  • if the interval is bounded, we have: $$$\overline{(a,b)}= \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ x\notin (a,b)\} =$$$ $$$=\{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ x\leq a, \ \mbox{or} \ b\leq x\}=$$$ $$$=(-\infty,a]\cup [b,+\infty)$$$

  • if the interval is unbounded, we have: $$$\overline{(-\infty,b)}= \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ x\notin (-\infty,b)\} =$$$ $$$=\{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ b\leq x\}=$$$ $$$=[b,+\infty)$$$


$$$\overline{(a,+\infty)}= \{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ x\notin (a,+\infty)\} =$$$ $$$=\{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ x\leq a\}=$$$ $$$=(-\infty,a]$$$

In the particular case of the empty interval, $$\emptyset$$, we have that its complementary are all the elements that do not belong to $$\emptyset$$, but as it doesn't have any element $$\emptyset$$, then the complementary is the total: $$$\overline{\emptyset}=\{ x\in\mathbb{R} \ | \ x\notin \emptyset= \mathbb{R}\}$$$

It should be noted that the total is also an interval, as: $$\mathbb{R}=(-\infty,+\infty)$$.